The Cathedral welcomes families of all kinds into our community of faith. We believe that children and youth are a central part of our community life. Children, youth and families are encouraged to participate in a variety of opportunities for worship, education, service and fellowship. 

Sunday Mornings

Nursery Care is available for children through the age of 5. The nursery is located through the door by the pulpit into the classroom hallway and is staff by trained childcare folks with necessary clearances.

Children’s Chapel is offered each Sunday for children in kindergarten through 5th Grade. At the Gospel Reading, children are invited to follow the teacher through the door by the pulpit and into Children’s Chapel. They will return in time for communion. You are free to join at any time.

Erie Episcopal Kids & Youth

Erie Episcopal is pleased to offer new opportunities for our kids (kindergarten – 4th grade) and our youth (5th – 9th grade). Erie Episcopal Kids will give kids and their families a variety of activities to engage the whole family in learning, holiday events and just plain fun. This is the place where parents can mingle, kids can be comfortable in the church environment and community can blossom. Erie Episcopal Youth presents our tweens with a space to gather, ask questions, learn through worship and service and probably have some fun along the way!

Erie Episcopal Youth

Erie Episcopal Youth presents our tweens with a space to gather, ask questions, and learn through worship and service.

Join us for our February meetings on Sunday, February 9 and
Sunday, February 16 beginning at 4:00 P.M. at the Cathedral.

Youth grades 5th through 8th are invited to join us for these events. Our learning time will last 45 minutes and participants are encouraged to stay through the contemplative worship experience that follows. Parents are also invited to worship.

Contact Dean Melinda for more details.

Erie Episcopal Day Camp

Erie Episcopal is pleased to offer a 3-day camp for children
entering Kindergarten through 5th Grade in August 2025!

The days will be full of learning, music, mindfulness, games and more.
Check back for more details!

Diocesan Summer Camp 2025