Erie Episcopal is a collaboration between St. Mark’s Episcopal Church and the Cathedral of St. Paul. We share a common vision for living the love of God with one another and in our wider community.
Working together, we better leverage our array of gifts for greater impact in Erie.
Although our congregations have distinct histories, worship styles, and cultures, we are living into a model of collaboration that shapes almost everything we do. Though our Sunday morning expressions are different, both are centered in our shared value for the sacraments, music and common prayer.

Our Mission Statement
As Erie Episcopal, the people of St. Mark’s and the Cathedral of St. Paul, called as the body of Christ in the world, are in a creative partnership to share resources, serve our city, and grow disciples, while maintaining our unique congregational cultures and identities.

Our Collaboration
During the week, our collaboration extends into shared programming, formation, outreach, pastoral care and fellowship. Our shared gifts and resources help reach people, young and old, bringing us together as seekers, disciples, and life-long Episcopalians, walking the journey together.

The staff of Erie Episcopal understands themselves to be working on one team. Many of the full-time positions have transitioned into shared positions, allowing each staff member to better utilize their particular skills and become more specialized. By working together, we live into Christ’s call to be one.

The possibilities for this collaboration are endless and Erie Episcopal is looking forward to what the future holds.