Your generosity enables us to support community projects, give assistance to those in need, offer a variety of programs, from choral programs to Christian formation. 

We are grateful for your financial gifts.

Stewardship in the Episcopal Church includes a reverence for God’s creation, the proper use of the gifts God has given us, and a consistent offering of time, talent, and treasure for the mission and ministry of the Church.  Each year we invite active attendees of the Cathedral to consider or continue their annual financial pledge.  

Strengthening our Roots: 2025 Stewardship Campaign is now underway!

Giving financially is an expression of our trust in what God envisions for God’s people here and now. It is an expression of commitment to the vision of what the Cathedral is and is becoming. January is the time when we ask members, friends, regular attendees to consider their giving to the Cathedral for the coming year. Stewardship materials and your pledge card for 2025 are now available. Pledge cards should be returned by Sunday, January 26. Please thoughtfully and prayerfully consider your 2025 giving.

Contact Dean Melinda with any questions.

Why We Give

My financial pledge is more than giving money to pay the Cathedral’s bills: it is a spiritual discipline, like going to church on Sundays or daily Bible readings. I believe my contribution, given in faithful prayer and consideration of what God wants of me, brings me closer in my daily walk with Christ.

– Terry Bishop

The Cathedral has been my church home and family for more than 34 years. I give to sustain this home where my faith is grounded, fed, and grows more deeply as I navigate this life with the joys and challenges that it brings. The future would look bleak to me if I didn’t have my faith to lean on and return to as questions arise throughout my faith journey. Our Cathedral, and all it represents to me, is my safe haven where I can continue to grow. And for this, I am so very grateful.

Judy Guerriero